This volume, vol. XII, contains the TWELFTH 20 words and those in sentences. These are all of the pattern, verbal noun plus the strong base verb /s/ `do'.

If you click the word in a cell in the table, then you can hear
the `negative' form of the verb and a sentence containing the `non-past' form as the verb of the adnominal clause in Saga western dialect.

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221. /beNkyou sen/  `not study'
222. /bikkui sen/  `not get surprised'
223. /tyu:i sen/  `not pay attention; warn'
224. /tyu:mon sen/ `not order'
225. /daietto sen/ `not go on a diet'
226. /do:joo sen/ `not sympathize'
227. /gakkui sen/ `not get disappointed'
228. /gamaN sen/ `not put up with'
229. /haNtai sen/ `not oppose'
230. /heNpiN sen/ `not return articles'
231. /hoNyaku sen/ `not translate'
232. /kaNdo: sen/ `not get moved'
233. /keNka sen/ `not fight'
234. /kekkoN sen/ `not get married'
235. /kesyo: sen/ `not put make up'
236. /kiNtyo: sen/ `not get nervous'
237. /ko:kaN sen/ `not exchange'
238. /gotiso: sen/ `not treat'
239. /juNbi sen/ `not prepare'
240. /paNku sen/ `not have a flat tire'

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