This volume, vol. VI, contains the SIXTH 20 words and those in sentences. These are basically consonant /n/ and /k/-final base verbs.

If you click the word in a cell in the table, then you can hear
the `negative' form of the verb and a sentence containing the `non-past' form as the verb of the adnominal clause in Saga western dialect.

Return to Previous.

101. /sinan/  `not die'
102. /akan/  `not open'
103. /morawan/  `not humbly receive'
104. /hakan/ `not put on'
105. /migakan/ `not polish'
106. /kakan/ `not write; draw'
107. /nakan/ `not cry'
108. /hatarakan/ `not work'
109. /sakan/ `not bloom'
110. /wakan/ `not boil'
111. /kawakan/ `not get dry'
112. /yakan/ `not gill; tun'
113. /ikan/ `not go'
114. /turete ikan/ `not take ... to ...'
115. /motte ikan/ `not bring ... to ...'
116a. /hikan/ `not pull'
116b. /hipparan/ `not pull'
117. /hikan/ `not play, e.g., the piano'
118. /kikan/ `not hear; ask'
119. /hukan/ `not wipe'
120. /arukan/ `not walk'

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