This volume, vol. VIII, contains the EIGHTH 20 words and those in sentences. These are basically consonant /s/-final base verbs and vowel /e/-final base verbs.

If you click the word in a cell in the table, then you can hear
the `negative' form of the verb and a sentence containing the `non-past' form as the verb of the adnominal clause in Saga western dialect.

Return to Previous.

141. /osan/  `not push'
142. /syuurisen/  `not repair'
143. /iwan/  `not humbly say'
144. /yogosan/ `not make ... dirty'
145. /okosan/ `not wake ... up'
146. /hikkosan/ `not move'
147. /otosan/ `not drop'
148. /orosan/ `not lower'
149. /kaen/ `not change'
150. /kigaen/ `not change clothes'
151. /matigaen/ `not make a mistake'
152. /kangaen/ `not think'
153. /tutaen/ `not convey'
154. /kien/ `not disappear'
155. /mien/ `not is visible'
156. /osoen/ `not teach'
157. /oboen/ `not remember'
158. /kikoen/ `not is audible'
159. /siraben/ `not investigate'
160. /taben/ `not eat'

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