This volume, vol. II, contains the SECOND 20 words and those in sentences. These are consonant /w/-final verbs, consonant /t/-final verbs, and consonant /r/-final verbs.

If you click the word in a celll in the table, then you can hear
the `non-past' form of the verb and a sentence containing the `non-past' form as the verb of the adnominal clause in Saga western dialect.

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021. /hirowu/  `pick up'
022. /sasowu/  `invite'
023. /mayowu/  `get lost'
024. /katu/ `win'
025. /tatu/ `stand'
026. /matu/ `wait'
027. /motu/ `possess'
028. /aru/ `be'
029. /gaNbaru/ `stick to'
030a. /tabeNsaru/ `eat'
030b. /omiNsaru/ `drink'
031. /magaru/ `turn'
032. /haru/ `paste'
033. /kakaru/ `get hooked'
034. /wakaru/ `understand'
035. /tasukaru/ `be saved'
036. /tukamaru/ `get arrested'
037. /ayamaru/ `apologize'
038. /hazimaru/ `begin'
039. /kimaru/ `get decided'
040. /simaru/ `close'

© Koga 2011