Saga western dialect counterparts of everyday 266 verbs in standard
--Words and sentences containing them in Saga western dialect--
March 2011
Hiroki Koga

If you click the name of a volume, then you will go to the volume containing the sounds of the verbs and sentences containing them.

Vol. 01. Verbs 001 to 020
Vol. 02. Verbs 021 to 040
Vol. 03. Verbs 041 to 060
Vol. 04. Verbs 061 to 080
Vol. 05. Verbs 081 to 100
Vol. 06. Verbs 101 to 120
Vol. 07. Verbs 121 to 140
Vol. 08. Verbs 141 to 160
Vol. 09. Verbs 161 to 180
Vol. 10. Verbs 181 to 200
Vol. 11. Verbs 201 to 220
Vol. 12. Verbs 221 to 240
Vol. 13. Verbs 241 to 260
Vol. 14. Verbs 261 to 266

This study is financially suported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) under No. 21520410 `Theoretical and scientific research on consecutive occurrences of the default morpheme of tense and verbal base forms', KAKENHI (C) (Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (C)), for the academic years from 2009 to 2011.