This volume, vol. V, contains the FIFTH 20 words and those in sentences. These are basically consonant /r, m, or b/-final base verbs.

If you click the word in a celll in the table, then you can hear
the `non-past' form of the verb and a sentence containing the `non-past' form as the verb of the adnominal clause in Saga western dialect.

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081. /toru/  `take'
082. /hutoru/  `get fat'
083a. /yoru/  `stop by'
083b. /yoru/ `according to'
084. /amu/ `knit'
085. /yamu/ `stop'
086. /humu/ `step on'
087. /sumu/ `live'
088. /yasumu/ `take a rest'
089. /tutumu/ `rap'
090. /nusumu/ `steal'
091. /komu/ `get crowded'
092. /otikomu/ `get depressed'
093. /nomu/ `drink'
094. /tanomu/ `ask'
095. /yomu/ `read'
096. /eru/ `choose'
097. /asobu/ `play'
098. /korobu/ `fall and roll'
099. /hakobu/ `carry'
100. /yobu/ `call; invite'

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